our facilities
A library is the heart of an academic institution. Our institution encourages all students and staff members to make the best use of the library that has been carefully built up since the inception of the college. Read More
NSS was formed under the esteemed guidance of Management along with 100 dedicative volunteers. NSS Wing in our Engineering College, Gudivada is organizing many events annually by catering to the needs of College, surrounding villages/Slums in and around the Region. Read More
Sports at Our Engineering College are an integral part of the curriculum for physical fitness, character building and development of leader ship qualities.Our college offers extensive facilities for sports and games. Read More
The management decided to provide transportation between various parts of surround areas and the College. Present, seven buses are operating between the college and the surround areas. Read More
The Management objective is the conservation, preservation and dissemination of our culture by implementation of multidimensional cultural activities and programmes. Read More

Late Sri.V.Venkateswara Rao B.Com
V.K.R, V.N.B. & A.G.K. College of Engineering
About VVGV
our Vision
To be a centre for excellence imparting quality technical education to young engineers by embedding global skills with holistic approach.
our mission
Our Mission is To provide an environment most conducive to learning.
To achieve Academic Excellence.
To make positive contribution to meet societal needs.
To spread technical education to rural areas.