2.1.2(1) G.O related to reservation policy
2.1.2(2) List of Enrolled students against reserved category during A.Y 2023-24
2.3.1 e.copies of students participation certificates in various learning methadologies
2.4.1(2) List of full time teachers for the assessment period of A.y 2023-24
2.4.2 List of full time teachers with Ph.D with their e-copies in A.Y 2023-24
2.5.1 Documents related to Grievances
2.5.1(1) Documents related to R23, R20 Regulations
2.5.1(2) Documents related to Mid Time Tables
2.5.1(3) Documents related to Internal Marks Uploaded Data
2.6.3(1) Result Analysis along with Result Sheet published by the University in the A.Y 2023-24
3.3.3(1) Number of Programs Conducted by the Institution
3.3.3(2) Programs scuh as Swachh Bharath, AIDS awareness, Gender Issues etc
3.3.4 Number of Students Participating in Extension Activities
3.4.1 Documents related to Collaborations during assesment period
3.4.1(1) Documents related to Guest Lecturer during assesment period
3.4.1(2) Documents related to Internships during assesment period
3.4.1(3) Documents related to On-the-job-training during assesment period
5.1.3(1) Documents related to organized Soft Skills programes during assesment period
5.1.3(3) Documents related to organized Life Skills programes during assesment period
5.1.3(4) Documents related to organized ICT/Communication Skills programes during assesment period
5.1.4(1) Documents related to Competitive Examinations and Career Counseling during assesment period
5.1.5(1) Minutes of Anti Ragging Committee
5.1.5(2) Minutes of Women Empowerment Grievance Redressal Committee
5.2.2 Number of Students Progressing to Higher Education during assesment period
5.3.3(1) E-Copies of merit certificates in sports and culturals during A.Y. 2023-24
7.1.1(1) Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan
7.1.1(2) Sample Program reports of Organized Gender Equity promotion program
7.1.2(3) MOUs for Solid and E-Waste management
7.1.2(4) Circulas for NO-Entry of Auutomobiles and Ban of use of Plastic
7.1.4(1) Rain Water Harvesting
7.2.1(1) Document related to evidence of success for Best Practices-1
7.2.1(2)Document related to evidence of success for Best Practices-2